Child Prodigies

Child Prodigies and Reincarnation

One of the evidences advanced to support reincarnation is the phenomenon of child prodigies. They exhibit intelligence or talents that could not be explained by either heredity or environment. Most of these cases however do not seem to remember their past lives.

The following are some writings on this aspect of the study of reincarnation:

Swami Abhedananda

Mozart, the great musician, wrote a sonata when he was four years old and an opera in his eighth year. Theresa Milanolla played the violin with such skill that many people thought that she must have played before her birth. There are many such instances of wonderful powers exhibited by artists and painters when they were quite young. Sankarâcharya, the great commentator of the Vedanta philosophy, finished his commentary when he was twelve years old. How can such cases be explained by the theory of hereditary transmission? Many of you have heard of the wonderful musical talents of Blind Tom. This blind negro slave was born on his master’s plantation and was brought up as a typical negro. He received no training in music or in any other line. One day when his master’s family were at dinner he happened to come into his master’s parlor and displayed his marvelous musical power for the first time by playing on his master’s piano. Afterwards he was exhibited in different states of this country. Physically he was nothing but a typical negro. His intellect was very poor, but in music he was a master. His musical talents were so great that he composed music for himself and played his own compositions. Sometimes after hearing a new piece of rapid music once, he could reproduce it note for note. Where did he get all these powers? From whom did he inherit them? His parents perhaps never heard of a piano. He never had a lesson in his life, and he could not have understood even if he had had any. Not long ago I saw a girl of about six years, who played the piano most beautifully and who could reproduce the most difficult music after hearing it once. It seems to me that she must have played the piano in her previous incarnation. This is the only explanation that we can give. Does heredity explain such cases? No. (Five Lectures on Reincarnation)

Child Prodigy Cases

Jean-Louis Cardiac (1719–1726)

Jean-Louis Cardiac . . . could recite the alphabet at age 3 months; read Latin and translated it into French and English at 4 years; was proficient in Greek, Hebrew, arithmetic, history, geography, and genealogy at 6. Unfortunately, like a number of such children, he died very early, in his case, at the age of 7. (Encyclopedia of Reincarnation and Karma, 58)